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Sustainability health checks: help for West Midlands businesses

More and more customers want to buy from suppliers with sustainability at the heart of their organisation. Research has shown that sustainability has real business benefits when integrated into a firm’s operations including improved brand image and competitive advantage, increased productivity and profits, as well as reduced costs and waste.


In order to help businesses in the West Midlands maximise their opportunities by adopting sustainability best practice, the Energy & Bioproducts Research Institute (EBRI) at Aston University is offering one-to-one health checks to help companies get to grips with their sustainability goals and to solve energy, waste and environmental challenges.


Entrepreneurs and business decision makers from all industrial sectors including engineers, manufacturers, consultants, brewers, horticulturists, lawyers, marketeers, estate managers, foresters and accountants can all benefit from an exclusive sustainability health check with EBRI.


“Help is at hand”, says Tim Miller, EBRI’s Director of Engagement, “We are providing tailored support and guidance to help companies use innovation to get the best out of their resources, and to equip them with the knowledge to enter new green markets. Our new sustainability health checks can help business owners reuse, recycle or reduce their waste, enhance their energy systems, as well as meet customer and investor demands to demonstrate their organisation’s commitment to sustainability.”


He continues: “Not only can we support entrepreneurs looking to either develop new low carbon products and services or turn waste material into energy, we can also help business owners link into the ever expanding green industry supply chains, such as energy-from-waste, energy systems and bioproducts.”


During a 30 minute health check session, EBRI will discuss the particular sustainability challenge that the company is facing so that its team of experts can then devise a bespoke summary of their recommendations, research findings and other useful information to help the business. This will be provided a few days later at no cost to qualifying companies*.


To book a slot, interested businesses can email, visit or call 0121 204 3383.

*Small and Medium-sized Enterprises located within the following West Midlands Local Enterprise (LEP) areas: Greater Birmingham and Solihull, Black Country, Coventry and Warwickshire, the Marches, and Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire.

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