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Climate Action

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Noel Street | Chair

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About this group

The Climate Emergency is a critical topic for our Industry.

The CE Midlands – Climate Action Theme Group (CATG) will be committed to support Members and other associated business by leading action in our community and sharing good practice, with the aim of embedding a sustainable / circular economy approach in the property and construction industry of the Midlands.

Transitioning to net zero carbon by adopting a Whole Life Carbon thinking of fabric first and operational net zero design and construction, a circular economy model and striving for zero waste can help companies reduce production and disposal costs, enable market expansion and growth, and strengthen business resilience against stricter environmental regulations.

However, this transition can be complex and difficult to navigate. At our meeting and events, we will investigate and share best practice approaches to collectively address the drivers of climate change in the Construction Industry and learning from business leaders and our multi-professional, contractor and supplier member experts to understand how business can plan ahead to achieve net zero carbon emission for new and refurbished buildings, innovate, eliminate waste and transition towards a circular business model.

Latest Events

Climate Action Theme Group Meeting

Date: 10th September 2024

Time: 12:30pm - 2:30pm

Climate Action Theme Group Meeting

Date: 5th November 2024

Time: 12:30pm - 2:30pm

Latest Resources

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Quality Alert Template



These templates are for CE Midlands Theme Groups to create Quality Alerts. Please download, add your content and save as PDF before sending to for inclusion on the website

Latest News


Thought Leadership Theme Groups

Author Avatar Emma Hannam
07 June 2021
There can be no doubt that the engine of CE Midlands is our Theme Groups. Over the 3 years we have been in existence they have been responsible for delivering extensive collateral for the betterment…

The CE MIdlands Online Construction Summit

Author Avatar Emma Hannam
06 November 2020
sponsored by We had an excellent Summit this year with some exemplary presentations If you would like to watch or rewatch the recording of this online event or see the individual presentations as PDF please…

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c/o Blizzards Consulting Limited
Radclyffe House
66-68 Hagley Road
B16 8PF

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