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March Overview – Marc Preite

Hello and welcome to March’s newsletter. I have a bit of a mixed bag this month looking forward to our up-and-coming awards, an update on how our diploma is going, of course procurement and acknowledgment of the terrible events happening in Ukraine.

Firstly, to the awards. We are delighted to say that our West Midlands and East Midlands award ceremonies will be taking place again this year at the fabulous Edgbaston Cricket Ground in Birmingham on the 12th May and equally impressive Athena in Leicester on the 9th June. Last years events (one of our first face to face events following Covid) was well attended and received positive praise on how well organised and enjoyable they were so we are really looking forward to this year. There is still time for all the worthy projects out there to get your submissions in for the East Midlands Awards (The Deadline is 25th March 2022 by Midday) and there are also still opportunities for sponsoring award categories for the East Awards if you want to see your name up in lights for all to see.

This month marks the halfway point for our Diploma in Collaboration in Construction. The 14 delegates have already completed modules on Leadership & Team Management, ISO44001, Lean & Continuous Improvement, Process & Value Stream Mapping, and the Value Toolkit and in the second half will learn about Design Team Integration, Design for the Environment, Smart Construction (Digital & offsite), Quality & Compliance, Supply Chain Management and finally Collaborative Forms of Contract. We are now planning our second Diploma so if you or any of your team are interested in gaining the inside knowledge on how to be Collaborative, then please let us know.

Whilst we look to the East and witness the horrific events in Ukraine (and our thoughts go out to all those affected) it became a bit more real for me when asked how this may affect our industry and our delivery programmes at work this week. With Russia being a major producer of Aluminium and copper, cargo ships being halted, or not re-supplied, multiple sanctions being imposed and an expected increase on gas and oil the impact on the industry is likely to be further material shortages and/or longer lead in times, an increase in prices especially in those products from Europe that use high energy to manufacture and any related economical impacts and of course any human factors such as travel or the effects it may have on any of us.

Finally, I’m glad to see that out weekly seminar this week (Friday 11th March at 12:00) is on “Insurance Backed Alliancing: The IPI Model” with the amazing Louise Lado-Byrnes. In my opinion this model is best in class for collaborative procurement. It deals with risk and shared responsibility in a way that no other contract is able and brings the whole team together from day one. It delivers on the Construction Playbook and is named in the Government Construction Strategy so why not join us on Friday and gain an insight on how it can be done.

Thanks for taking the time to read the newsletter and if you would like more information on any of items covered, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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