December Overview – Richard Cymler

Welcome to the December edition of our Constructing Excellence Newsletter. It has been an exciting and busy year for Constructing Excellence and we look forward to some well deserved downtime over the festive period and spending time with family and friends. A review of the events and achievements of CE in 2023 is better served by reference to the soon to be published Annual Review which will also act as a reminder of how of our key themes of Building Safety, Climate Crisis, Future Skills and Smart Construction remain relevant as the cornerstones of our organisation going forwards.
Let’s look forward to the events planned for 2024 not least of which are the G4C awards on April 5th and The West and East Midlands Awards on 2nd May and 27th June respectively. The deadlines for nominations for these fantastic events will be upon us early in 2024 so put a marker in your calendar to make a nomination before the holiday period – or when you are relaxing with a mince pie during your downtime – if you have not done so already. If you have yet to attend one of these events then from personal experience I would recommend booking a table or even sponsoring a category while the opportunity remains.
From a personal perspective and having taken the role of Chair of the Building Safety Theme Group for CE Midlands in July this was swiftly followed in August by the publication of a raft of secondary legislation resulting from the Building Safety Act 2022 much of which took effect on October 1st. Our theme group will be working to publish guidance to clients, contractors, designers and Approved Inspectors all of whom will need to be rapidly up to speed with what has been described in some quarters as the as the most important change in legislation to affect the construction industry since the Building Act in 1984
For now I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy and successful New Year, thank you all for your continued support of CE Midlands and we look forward working together and sharing knowledge and best practice in 2024 and beyond.