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Construct Zero Performance Framework Dashboard Update Report

The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) is leading the sector’s response to the Net Zero challenge, through the Construct Zerochange programme. Building on the success of the sector’s collaborations during COVID, the CLC has engaged the industry to start to develop the Performance Framework, which sets out how the sector will commit to, and measure it’s progress towards, Net Zero.

What is the Performance Framework?

The Performance Framework has been developed to provide the CLC with a sector level dashboard on our progress towards Net Zero aimed at motivating businesses to action and to help those outside the sectorunderstand our progress. We intend to collate data for the dashboard on a quarterly basis albeit not every metric will be available quarterly. The data itself will be drawn from sources which already aggregate it, known as data point owners.

The Performance Framework is very closely aligned with Government policy and draws on emerging thinking on carbon measurement and assessment, as such it will evolve over time and we will no doubt update and improve the metrics. The current metrics and performance published today is a starting point so we can review, test and refine. The framework is being published this quarter to provide early sight of the metrics available to enable the industry to comment. It will take multiple quarters before all metrics are available and longer to refine, to make this as effective as it can be for the industry, but we are keen to publish this version early for comment and reviews.

CLICK HERE to see the full November 2021 Report 

Business Champions Interview Questions

The  questions have been developed as a structured interview to capture the approach and commitment of businesses across the sector to achieving Net Zero by 2050 in line with the Construct Zero priorities. The interview can be captured in writing or filmed

Please CLICK HERE to download the interview questions if you would like to get invloved and help provide data for the CZ Performance Framework

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