November Overview – Paul Meadows
Welcome to the November edition of CE Midlands Newsletter, it’s been seven months now of the new ways under the Building Safety Act and its associated regulation changes.
Competency is now expected to turn to other Disciplines now that most Registered Building Inspectors have completed their BiCOF competency assessments. The assessments and Regulatory changes have took some getting used to and definitely slowed down the rate of construction.
An important part of these new changes being the requirement for Principal Designers, Principal Contractors and indeed Clients to submit declarations of compliance with the Building Regulations and ensure all Regulation 38 information has been collated in order for Building Control Approvers.
An interesting culture change is to ensure sufficient time is planned for Final regulatory inspections to enable the issue of Final/Completion certificates particularly where a deadline date for Practical Completion is targeted. We hope you find this months contents of interest and that the ethos of collaboration continues to support the delivery of Compliant projects.